



Virtual Tourist


Puzzler VR




Time Capsule VR








Showroom In Space




At WorkWave Hackathon, Emojis, Virtual Reality Used to Help the Disabled

Neptune-based WorkWave's third annual hackathon was held at Monmouth University (West Long Branch) on September 12th and 13th. This year's event focused on helping the disabled. Student developers from around Central New Jersey got together to build apps from scratch to help the visually impaired, hard of hearing or otherwise disabled complete everyday tasks more easily.

New Hope-Solebury High School student brings virtual reality to new generation - New Hope Free Press

By Cailin Loesch and Hannah Loesch New Hope-Solebury Class of 2015 New Hope-Solebury High School senior Tyler Roach has the future of technology in his hands - and in his eyes. Roach, who can trace his fascination with technology to the age of six, is the owner of an innovator edition of the Samsung Gear VR, powered by Oculus.


VR comes to South Street

The creatures are coming to take your soul. And they're hovering very close, in a Virtual Reality demo - formally called "Into the Further 4D Virtual Reality Experience" - open for scary business this weekend on 2 nd street near South.


VR Study Tool Percipio Released

Virtual reality (VR) technology has often been cited for its potential to enhance the education experience. The prospect of using an Oculus Rift VR headset in history or science lessons to bring students closer to the experience could change how we teach classes and more.


VR Philly to Host Philadelphia's First VR Meetup on July 2nd

West coasters are a lucky bunch, the growing popularity of virtual reality has brought forth plenty of great community gatherings to choose from-SVVR, VRLA, SFVR, and OCVR-just to name a few. Now, the East Coast is getting into the spirit. VR Philly will hold Philadelphia's first public VR Meetup next week on July 2nd.


Rev VR Podcast (Ep. 64): Riftmax Karaoke Host Tyler Roach Discusses Singing, Coding, and Girls in VR - Road to VR

Every Thursday, for the last few weeks, folks have been gathering in the Riftmax Theater to sing their hearts out in front of a live virtual audience. Tyler Roach, the host of this event, was very excited to be on the podcast today. When we were scheduling this podcast, Tyler mentioned that he had to ...


Tennis Title VR Open Remade, Rereleased

Indie developer Tyler Roach has released a new version of his virtual reality (VR) tennis title, VR Open, which supports the Oculus Rift VR headset. This new version of the sports simulation has been remade from the ground up, including gameplay tweaks and new environments and menues.